Homestyle Mennonite Recipe #2: Chocolate-Covered-Coffee-Beans!


-Chocolate Chips (I’m going to pretend like it matters and say SEMI-SWEET MORSELS)

-Coffee Beans (what the heck, let’s say FRENCH ROAST)


1) Put some chocolate in a dish and nuke it til it melts!

2) Put some beans in the melty chocolate, I’d say like a 2:3 ratio!

3) Coat the beans!

4) Don’t touch the beans while they’re hot!

5) Put one of the Chocolate-Covered-Coffee-Beans in your mouth and eat it!

6) Vainly Attempt to pick the leftover bits of bitter coffee beans from your cheeks!

7) Throw the rest away!

8 ) Try to wash the solidified chocolate out of the bowl! Hard, isn’t it?

9) Consider your life.


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